User Group for Citrix


We used the citrix PS3 server without domain server.

But we found that the remote user group cannot login normally. But if we move the users into administrators group. Users can login.

As you know, it's not safty if leave users in administrators group.

Can you help me?
First, make sure your users have rights to your C:\B9 folder and all subfolders and files. They should be read, modify, execute, and write rights at least.

Second, make sure your users have rights to the jde*.* files that are on the C:\ root directory. These files are checked and written to for security purposes when the client starts up.

Third, find solution ID #200783106, or OTI-01-0082, to list the registry keys that the users should have rights to. They should have at least the same rights to those registry keys as Power Users.

Hope this helps.
Ken, I can't find #200783106, or OTI-01-0082. I'm having a lot of problems installing JDE client on Citrix.
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