User access to programs and SoD


For audit purposes I need to be able to obtain the following information:
1. I need a report that will show me the users that have update (add or delete or change) access to a specific program, i.e. they have "RUN" access (Application security) to execute the program, and when executing the program they can update data (Action security) . I would provide the list of programs that I need this for.
2. I also need a report of SoDs by user - again I would provide a SoD matrix.
3a. It would be ideal if this analysis could be external to the JDE installation using files extracted from the system, and not via any software loaded on to the JDE system.
Failing this:
3b. The software that does the anaylsis needs to run on an inquiry only basis with no impact on the day to day users.
4. I would like to be able to request these reports on an ad hoc basis, per client, per audit period.

Does anyone in the user community know how I can EASILY achieve this, with minimal disruption to my clients?

Thank you
Hi Jill,

For all your items I think you would be fine with either native SQL interface or any reporting tool.

You can pull together something quickly with the following tables:


I'm using Reportsnow, but the main join is this:

Left Outer F0092 on User = F95921 FRROLE
left Outer F0092 User = F00950 USER

You will want to ensure you filter by user status (01, 02 - Enabled or not).

That build's you a quick and dirty way of looking at access. Hopefully you are using one role per user so its easy to read, but it will work with multiple roles.

In the long term, I would strongly, strongly recommend they invest in one of the two major security products available.


Take a look at AllOut Security or Qsoftware. They are the two major third party security software solutions. Both solutions have SOD reporting.

- Gregg
Hi Malcolm, Thank you for your reply.
I have various customers, and was hoping for a "boxed" solution.
I am in contact with both vendors, and am looking at the reports available.
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