UBE launching despite you clicked on "Canceled" in data selection


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UBE launching despite you clicked on \"Canceled\" in data selection

Hi list,

I don't know why but i noticed that on some UBE, when you submit it, selecting to display data selection, when you click on "Cancel" (in data selection screen), the ube is still submitted !

It's rather bothersome when you know that with the html client, the only way to see the data selection of an ube version is to submit it.
So imagine (and it alreday happened to me) : you want to check a data selection on a version promoted to production, so you submit it, cancel in the data selection, but the ube goes and runs, making updates on your production !! :eek: :(

So my questions are :
Did you ever experienced this issue ? (is it a known bug ?)
Did you identified which ube acting this way ?
Is it a report conception (in development) issue ?
Is there a way to avoid that ?

Thanks for your help.
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