Third Party Security Tools


Is anybody aware of any good third party security tools? We are looking for something to easily review security settings, make security changes easier than the OneWorld tools, and auditing.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Q Software? Isn't that the name that a lot of folks on the list keep
spinning around?

We use QSoftware on PSE1 and World. Doesn't fix everything but definite improvement over standard JDE/PS security functionality.

What sort of costs did you incur?
implementation (hours + $$)?
And how is it licensed?
The software cost varies by customer.

They license per named user.

We had one week of their people here to help implement. The rest was done internally and took us 3 months to convert over to the new methodology and security model.

For Xe, this is a great tool. However, for 8.9 and higher, especially for 8.10, a lot of its use is negated by EnterpriseOne's built in security manager.

Reasons to keep it after Xe for us: Segragation of Duties manager, and security tied to solution explorer roles functionality.

We have been on QSoftware for about 2 years. Our rollout experience was similar, with a week of on site training and about 3 months to develop and roll the strategy. We installed first on XE and recently upgraded all of our installations to ERP8.

I have not seen the security admin tools above ERP8, but for now I expect we will keep QSoftware even after upgrade. We also are maintaining a security strategy carried over from XE and which works pretty well for us across 4 concurrent implementations. The biggest reason though is the organizational structure QSoftware provides. We likely won't do much with multiple roles (always subject to change!), and QSoftware allows us to build a visible structure in our security profiles we can easily monitor, replicate, maintain and update across multiple users/roles/installations.

Again, I've not heard much about the native tools in 8.10 or 8.11. I would be interested if anyone can tell me whether or not the native tools have been modified to support higher volume updates, provide some better management of security organization or make it easier, without multiple roles, to enforce standardization around a group of security records in later releases.
Hi guys,

We have a white paper on EnterpriseOne 8.9 and above available, which goes into security strategies for the newer releases. The key point I have to make is that the change to roles hasn't had an impact on the way that the tool populates the security file.

You can email me [email protected] for a copy.


My employer uses QSoftware as well. I do have a question though. We were told that it is best to have the QSoft tables in our devlopment environment. I have a hard time understanding why it should not be done in propduction. Which environment do you work in?

Laurie Enterprise One 8.0, SP 22 SQL Server platform
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