Terminating a batch job


Any UBE you run is associated with a runbatch.exe process in OS. Go to WSJ, look for your running job and write down the "Process ID".
In windows task manager, list processes of all users, add "PID" column if you don't have it, and look for runbatch.exe process where "Process ID"="PID".
You can end that OS process to terminate that batch job.
So you have to figure out how to end a windows process, not an EO one, from OS command line. You can try "taskkill"

Hope this help.
Yes is possible, but I don't believe that's the right way, in my case I use HPUX (Unix family), and when one thrown UBE I can see the process in unix process tree, for that reason, if I executed kill -9 #process_number_of_ube, the ube will be cancelled. But I say again, I don't believe that's the right way.
I will try to kill the job from the task and see if the status on the UBE changes to E inside E1. I understand its not the right way,but it will be good to know
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