Table Activities Monitoring


hi all,

We faced a problem in Accounts Payable module - all of a sudden 180 batches of one unit were changed to pending status, which were actully in posted status... This is second time the problem has occured. We don't know what are the exact set of actions which cause this problem.... whether a single application or multiple concurrent applications.... I am still on the back of it.

I wanted to ask you... Is there any utility (either in oracle or in JD) to monitor activities that update a table. Just like JD logs. But only for a single table. That utility will be kept active for the problematic table all the time. In case the problem repeats, i will get some clue.... as what was going on at database level when the problem occured. Periodically this log or table will be checked and will be deleted.

thanks in advance,

Rahul N.
OneWorld B73.3.2 (SP 10.1), NT 4.0, Oracle 8.1.6
Yes, generally speaking, there are ways, although it will affect your performance - e.g. a trigger on the table...

This information you're looking for is probably still available in Oracle - it caches all SQL's in the system for some time - ask your DBA to look at it.

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