Subsystem and R00460


Well Known Member
Hi list,

small question: when I look at waiting subsystem jobs i see the R00460 xjde0001 being entered there while it never runs and don't need to run also.

Does anyone have a idea what programm or report is making these entries? we still haven't found that yet.
From the Knowledge Garden............... (Searched on R00460 under

Title: Turning Off OneWorld=AE Outbound Interoperability for Interactive or
Batch Applications in Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Journal
Abstract: Documents symptoms of enabled interoperability and the method to
turn the processing off if the functionality is not needed.

Product OneWorld=AE=20
Suite Financials, HRM, Technical, Distribution, Mfg.=20
Release Xe=20
Document ID OFN-02-0026=20
Date Created 01/14/2002=20
Date Reviewed 01/14/2002=20
Date Revised 01/14/2002=20


Table of Contents=20
1. Issue
2. Indications Outbound Operability May Be Active
3. Resolution=20
4. Purging the Resultant Records
5. Associated links


OneWorld=AE Xe provides interoperability functions to facilitate the exchan=
of data with systems that are external to OneWorld=AE. When interoperability
is unintentionally activated, performance may be unnecessarily affected,
UBEs may fail, and unneeded records may be written to the database. Prior
to disabling the functionality, verify that it is not intentionally
activated for a specific business purposes (e.g. Storefront, Address Book
Audit Log, etc.).=20

Back to Top=20

Indications Outbound Operability May Be Active:
1. In Voucher Entry (P0411) after clicking OK to save the transaction,
a message box may display indicating, "Adding Subsystem Record for R00460".
It may take longer than expected for the system to save the voucher
transaction. =20

Reason: The system is adding a subsystem record to upload the transaction to
the outbound voucher table (F0411Z3) and/or journal entry outbound table
(F0911Z4). =20

Result: Performance impact in the interactive application and records are
written to unused outbound tables. =20

2. In Split Payments (P0411S) a Next Number error may be returned. The
system is attempting to add a record to the outbound payment tables
(F0413Z1/F0414Z1) and is unable to assign a next number for writing to these
tables. =20

Reason: Next Numbering may not have been setup for this function. =20

Result: The split transaction will not save because of the hard error. =20

3. "Commit Failed or Was Cancelled" errors referencing one of the
interoperability tables may be found in the jde.log, jdedebug.log or the UBE
log when a UBE is submitted. =20

Reason: The system is unable to write to the table. =20

Result: The UBE fails because the system fails when writing unneeded records
to one of these Z tables. =20

4. Performance may be slow or the process may fail when submitting a
UBE such as the General Ledger Post (R09801), Batch Invoice Processing
(R03B11Z1I), Batch Voucher Processing (R04110Z), or Batch Journal Entry
Processing (R09110Z). =20

Reason: The system is attempting to write records to the outbound tables.
Result: The UBE fails or writes unneeded records to the Z tables.

Back to Top=20
Interoperability functions are controlled by the Interoperability Processing
Options behind the Application Master Business Functions. To review these,
type IV in the Fast Path or go to the Interactive Versions program (P983051)
on the System Administration Tools menu, GH9011. To deactivate
interoperability, remove any existing values in the ZJDE0001 version of the
Interoperability Processing Options. The changes must be made to the
ZJDE0001 version because some processes do not have associated master
business functions where another version could be specified. As a result,
the ZJDE0001 version will always be read for these processes.=20


Outbound Processing Interactive Version (IV) IV Processing Option
Outbound Table(s)=20
Transaction Type Processing Options Name
Updated =09
Invoices P03B0190
Invoice Interoperability F03B11Z2

Receipts P03B0191
Receipt Interoperability F03B13Z2 and=20
Voucher P0400048
F0411 Voucher F0411Z3=20

Payment P0400297 F0413Z1
Retrieve F0413Z1 and=20
Interoperability F0414Z1=20
Journal Entry P0900160 F0911
Journal Entry F0911Z4=20
Purging the Resultant Records:
The associated tables may be purged of any unnecessary records using a
database utility. Purge programs are available for these tables on menu
G00313, Financials Interoperability Processing. In order for the purge
programs to remove the interoperability records, the transactions must be in
balance and successfully processed. =20

Associated links:=20
For Address Book/Customer Master/Supplier Master Interoperability see
"OneWorld=AE Address Book Audit Log" OFN-99-0147 =20

For additional information regarding interoperability consult the OneWorld=
Interoperability Guide. Interoperability information is also contained in
the OneWorld=AE Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Accounti=

So go into each Interactive Version listed above and change the processing
option against the ZJDE0001 version.

Re: RE: Subsystem and R00460

We encountered the same problem. The R00460 still scheduled while all related processing options in the program versions have been deactivated. Some interoperability files however are filled. Feeling is as if the interoperability is run based on the files been filled Y/N instead of specific processing options ??? Does anyone have a similar experience ?
I had 27K R00460 jobs waiting in the subsystem when I happened to run across it, 400 more each day. I traced it down to the P0411, which was calling P0400048 (F0411 Interoperablility Processing Options). I checked with several key users, they didn't know what interoperability was. So I removed JDEVOUCH from the Transaction Type processing option of P0400048, and the jobs quit accumulating.

Hope this helps.
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