Submit build error on deployment server


Hi list,

I'm getting an error when trying to submit the package build from P9621
on my deployment server. I highlight the package, press the 'Submit
Build' row exit button and then click 'OK'. When the OK button is
pressed the following error is displayed "Unable to open log file, Last
Error is 3".

This occurs on update and full package builds. I am able to submit the
package build from my workstation successfully.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mike iSeries V5R1, Xe, SP21, Update 7

Does free space exist on the C: hard disk ?
Is Windows file security correctly setup ?

This error means:
"The system cannot find the path specified."

Thanks, that was it. The OutputDirectory under NETWORK QUEUE SETTINGS
was set to a map drive that was removed. Thanks again!
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