Sub categories for suppliers?



As customers(C) have differents ship to addresses(CD)placed under, how to maintain the same for suppliers?
Suppliers(invoice to) would be divided into different ship from units.

E1 9.0
Tools vs: 9.98
Typically I have a client set up Supplier Master records for each "purchase from" location so that P.O.s can be mailed to that Supplier location. If several of the Suppliers share the same "Pay to" location then that Address Number of the remit to address goes into the "Factor/Special Payee" field in the Supplier Master of each "Purchase from" records. You can then use "Parent number" or Category Codes to relate the Suppliers that are related to one another in order to see a more global view of related Suppliers. However, there is more than one way to do this. Different strokes for diffferent folks.
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