Strange Issue


Well Known Member
I have an issue where so far only 2 out of 50 people can see job descriptions on the menu. It is like menu option 1-5 are blank and can't get into them. but Menu options 6-12 will be fine. It is preventing those 2 from doing their jobs. They are running through citrix.

Has anyone has this issue before? and what was done to fix it? Not sure if running TAM specs will fix the issue if only 2 people are having the problem.

Some questions:

When did this start?

Have any changes been made?

Are these new users?

Can they see the missing menu items on a fat client or a non-citrix web client?

Is there any difference in the user setup or security between the users who can see the menu options and those who can't?

Is there anything in the logs - jde and debug?
It started last week with just one person.
No changes have been made recently, no updates or fulls for 2 weeks before.

Everyone is a thin client going through citrix. The only fat client is me and another developer. We can see the menu fine and so do others that are on a thin client.

These are not new users and the security is different for the 2. One is just inquiry, the other is in inventory Mangement.

I haven't not turned on debug yet.

I did a full package over the weekend and that didn't fix it. I re-ran TAM and Global Specs to see if this would fix it. I am waiting for the users to get in this morning.

Please let us know if the refresh of the TAM and global specs fixed the problem.

I would like to confirm my understanding of the situation:

Both users were able to see and access "job descriptions" on the menu until last week when access stopped, first for one and then the other. No changes to user setup or security have been made for either user around the time when this issue started. No packages have been deployed around the time when this issue started.

The inquiry user has a unique combination of user setup and security. The inventory Mangement user also has a unique combination of user setup and security.

Try to replicate the problem:

Have you tried to get on of these users to log onto one of the fat clients, if possible, to see if access to the "job descriptions" on the menu is available for them using a fat client? This will narrow down where the problem is. If this is not possible, can you create a dummy user and set it up EXACTLY the same as one of the users who is having problems and see if the problem can be replicated. Firstly using citrix and then, if the problem can be replicated on citrix, try to replicate it on the fat client. Please let us know if you can do any of the above and if so, what you did and the results.

I have seen unusual corruptions in user setup and/or security where the only remedy was to delete and re-create the user.
When have seen User Override get corrupt and make the application have "strange issues". If your users have custom grids for the applciation this is happening in deleted the User Overrides for that application. User Overrides Revision application is P98950.
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