SP 22 Auditing


Active Member
I am about to begin my SP22_Q1 install into our JDE sandbox system and
was re-reviewing the JDE literature and noticed a possible issue. In the
literature (Auditing Administration Guide Jan 2003) on page 32, it
states that the data source for the F9500003, F9500004, F9500006 tables
must be mapped to the same datasource, but also that the datasource
'This datasource must have the Julian Date property flag set to no'. The
problem is that earlier in the literature on page 11, it states for you
to map these tables to System-B7333. This datasource in our system is
set to use Julian dates. I don't want to turn this flag off for the
system datasource for not knowing the ramifications. so the alternative
would be to map these tables to a different/new datasource.
Question is, has anyone mapped these tables to a datasource that has
the 'use Julian dates' option set on, does it cause problems, or should
I create a new datasource for these auditing tables? I have searched the
forum and don't see anything mentioned about this issue.. Has anyone had
any experiences with this?=20

Hi,You need to create a new Datasource... B7XXXX-systemNJ which will be a non julian data source and these will be mapped to this data source... I hope that helps
You must setup a separate datasource for the auditing tables System - B7333NJ and turn Julian Date off.
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