Solution Explorer Security & OW Security - A match made in ...?

  • Thread starter Robert Robinson
  • Start date
Robert Robinson

Robert Robinson

Reputable Poster
I am trying to get a jump on Solution Explorer security by using it (along with OW security) in our Xe version. The two just don't seem to get along; I have created task related roles which allow users to view only those tasks related to their jobs. When I attach a user to a OW group (for row/application/etc security), the users can not see the Solution Explorer tasks that I have set up for them. When I remove the OW group, the user can again see the Sol Exp tasks.

Is anyone else trying to link Sol Exp and OW security? Any tips (tricks, bottles of Pepto) to share?[frown]

I have been involved with several Solutions Explorer implementations and I have not encountered this issue. You must remember that OneWorld Security (application, Row, etc.) takes presidence. If you put P4210 on a menu and then put application secuity that removes access to the P4210, then the application will not appear on the users menu.

The Solutions Explorer Roles have nothing to do with OneWorld Security, at least at this time. What I have done is made the SE roles the same as the OneWorld Groups/Roles so that there is consistency in the naming. Also, I think that this may help (cross my fingers) when LDAP security enhancements make their way into OneWorld.

I have created specific user tasks and roles, and have not put application security on that would preclude anyone viewing apps other than payroll...
I'm in the process right now of setting up our menus and creating roles in Solution Explorer, I feel your pain. Unfortunatly, OW security and security groups are not tied to Solution Explorer. JDE acknowledges this oversight, and is planning on fixing this in........ wait for it........ B9. Another "little" thing they left out was the ability to move Solution Explorer Menus (aka task views) through OMW. There is a special program that you have to use for that. Again, another B9 thing. Another "value added feature" that I found is that if add another parent item at the root of End-User Tasks and you have previously defined roles, the new parent item shows up in those roles. One more critisism (while I'm on a rant), the availible documentation for setting up Solution Explorer is rather poor. It took me the better part of a month and numerous phone calls to JDE to gather enough material to figure out how to set this up.

On the positive side, this stuff is so complicated that it ensures great job security! :)

Gregg Larkin
North American CNC and Security Guy
Praxair, Inc.

I have run over every sprinklerhead that you mentioned. My only question now is...will the enhanced functionality be brought to us by PeopleSoft or Oracle (OR neither)?
Seriously though, did you have to abandon OW group security to make Sol Exp security work?
My guess is Microsoft. What the heck, with everybody trying to buy out their competitors in the ERP space, why shouldn't Microsoft jump into the game?
No, we have to impliment both. We have to create OW security for applications. That security pertains to both OW and SE interfaces. The menus that were created in OW can be brought over to Solution Explorer with the R9000C UBE. That UBE brings the menus over to the OneWorld Task view. If you want to use roles, you then need to bring those menus over to the End-User Task View. Once you have your menus created, then you can create your roles. Then..... you have to assign roles to users. And in another brilliant manuver by the Solution Explorer Development Team, you have to assign roles at the user level, not the group level. So if you have a group with 1000 users (like I do), you have to assign the role 1000 times. Gee, thanks guys, I really look forward to that repetitive task!

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