Shipping solution for World A7.3


Reputable Poster
Our company is currently in the process of obtaining names of shipping
solution vendors and we could use some help, we are currently using
Pitney Bowes. We are looking for a shipping solution that tightly
integrates with World Software and can handle domestic, international,
ground shipments, LTL, hazardous and has the ability to generate all
related shipping documents. If you are a World customer and are
currently using a shipping solution that improves your life, we would
like to hear from you. Please provide us with a vendor name and contact
name if possible. Also, if you would be open to discussing your
experience with us, please provide us with a telephone number or e-mail

You can contact me off line too.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Jim Rubino
Senior Programmer Analyst
* <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]


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Hello Jim,
We are on JDE World A7.3 and implemented Pfastship about a year ago. They have a World interface template program that we used and had customized for our specific needs. We were on a very tight schedule (about 3 months from purchase to implementation!) and were up with basic LTL and parcel when the new warehouse opened. If interested in further information, please contact me off line at [email protected].
Thanks, Anita
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