Set up for a location not included in availability


I am using JDE 9.0. Business using locations, but not lots. User requests a location designated for quarantine of returned items, whose qty will not be included in availability and will not be able to be assigned to an order. Tried putting location on hold, but problem when stock transferred out, then "transferred to" location assumes the hold. We don't want that. Any ideas? I'd rather not introduce receipt routing if possible...
I would like to know why you would not want to put in receipt routing? Used correctly it will provide you with the functionality you need. The only other way is to create a "virtual" Branch Plant that you can transfer item to. This Branch Plant of course would not be in the MRP runs and will be completely invisible to MRP. However, unless you put every item in that Branch Plant, you will have to use ST/OT's to get them in so the items are auto generated and the costs are transferred (an IT won't do this).

In comparison, setting up Receipt Routing is less then setting up a new Branch Plant and the steps are also less to process. If I had to pick between the two, I would do Receipt Routing.
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