server package build TAM file size


There is a document on the KG (OTM-03-0017) that recommends running a
script to update the esfful field for each record in the F98741.
The value put in that field specifies the type of object represented by
each record.
This way, when the server package builds, only the appropriate objects are
included in the pack files.

Has anyone run these, and if so, noticed any significant impact on either
package built speed or TAM file size?


Steve Lehner

OneWorld XE SP22_F1, Oracle 9i on HPUX
Citrix MF 1.8/Win2k clients
After running this script, my full package builds have been going smoothly. Previously, I used to get errors on GBRSPEC counts. I have had to run this script for each environment.
We are on ERP 8 UPDATE 1 SP22_Q1
My client workstation UBE DV environment TAM files have become corrupted. Are there documents on Knowledge Garden that describes how to recover from this? This causes the problem of not being able to check out any UBE. Thanks.
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