Server Manager Install Question


Active Member
Currently we are running tools release with server manager. I am interested in installing a newer version of server manager. Can someone please tell me do I just install the new version over the old one in the x:\jde_home directory on the deployment server or do I have to install it into a new directory?
If you are simply upgrading Server Manager to say 8.98.x.x, then you simply download the Tools Release update. Put the file in the Components folder and then distribute it to the server running the console. You will then need to update the other server agents with the new version.
Simply download the server manager update (the smaller one, not the huge install). Save it to the components directory in the jde_home (e.g. x:\jde_home\components). Go to the "home" instance in server manager and use it to update itself. After updating itself you will have to re-login to SM. You may have to update the management agents after the console is updated.

As always, do a full backup of the jde_home directory before performing the upgrade.
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