server build failing to compile


Server build is failing to compile business functions on both update and full package builds.
In the compileLOGS folder of the package business functions
*.log file exists:
ex. n0800036.c
compiling with IAMASERVER defined.

in the text folder of the package
.sts file has this information

oneworld builddll status log

process id: 4604
build status: E (stopped with error)

did compile count: 2
did not compile count: 0

module that is compiling: LINK
modules that did not compile:

any ideas as to what may causing the business functions not to compile?
Most likely it's your JDE.INI file and Microsoft Visual Studio settings. Here are some docs on MOS that should help. [Article ID 1448113.1],[Article ID 1304281.1],[Article ID 942302.1]
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