Send E-Mail - HRM



Well Known Member
Guys find me the object name of this BF in 9.0… Take a good look at the parameters… I Freaking can’t find it…
0034 Send E-Mail - HRM
PO szFromEmailAddress -> szFrom
PO szToEmailAddress_HLNK -> szTo
PO szCC_HLNK -> szCC
PO szSubject_CMDS -> szSubject
PO szMessage_CMDS -> szMessageTextChar256
"1" -> cIncludeAttachmentFlag01
VA rpt_Hyperlink_HLNK -> szNameOfAttachmentFile
VA rpt_szFileNamtoBeRead_COBRAURL -> szAttachmentDisplayText
VA rpt_mnError_MATH06 <- mnErrorCodeReturned

Or any substitute for the same will do…
It looks similar to HRMSendEMail (B0800603) that is available in 8.11 SP1. Not sure if this is still available in 9.0, or if it helps?

I found B0800603 in 9.0 but it doesn’t have facility for the attachment… I need something where I can provide attachment.

Hi, in 8.10, I used the "Email Merge Letter" function that work with attachment, but I don't know if it still available in 9.0.

Hope it help.
That BSFN was obsoleted.

Look for a BSFN that has this API in it: JDE_SendEMailSMTPExt
One example is in B0800300
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