Security - P4141/P41240/P41413

Michael Willgress

Hello JDEList,
Could someone please educate me on how action code security works for the following:


I see many users who have explicit action code security against the P4141 but I am unsure as to how security specifically for approving and updating a cycle count actually works.

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. I've scoured through MyOracleSupport and the Implementation Guides but I seem to be missing the key - apologies if I have missed the obvious.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Michael

To an extend it depends which version of JDE you are running as action code security has been updated through the different release…..

A7.3 Add, Change, Delete
A9.1 Add, Change, Delete, From, Too (address book search type)
A9.2 Add, Change, Delete, From, Too, Inquiry

Basically if the video is action code securable it allows/disallows global changes to the subfile on the screen, it is not linked to specific values or specific fields.

While A/C Inquiry security works for all screens, ACD does not and in fact in you example P41240 and P41413 are not securable for action code ACD while P4141 is. For the non action code eligible screens (P41240) you need to secure any relevant subfile selection controls that update the line status. For batch processes (P41413) you need to use the relevant dream writer form or version security depending on which release you are running.

Let me know if you need any more specific details.

As per Leith's post AC security (in 9.2 and 9.3) allow you to control access to programs, in prior versions you need to use function key security.

Obviously the problems arise if you need to do reporting or get a default deny which is where the 3rd party solutions come in.


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