Sales Update on transfer orders modifies OT unit price, not running R42950


Active Member
Hi list,

We did an ST/OT yesterday from one Canadian branch to one US branch. This means the ST was entered with Canadian prices & costs, and the OT side has USD prices and costs.

The order was shipped & invoiced, but someone changed the currency after that (part of the month end procedure here). We see that Sales Update has changed the unit price. Therefore, they can't do the reception because the is a difference in the line extensions. The effect shows that it has to do with the exchange rate (unit price * old rate / new rate).

The CRR field on the F4211 shows the currency rate at order entry time, and the OT does not show a currency rate since it is in USD.

We do not run the R42950, so how could this have happened ?

We recently applied 2 ESUs in this area JE5202 and JE5483 - check them out...
Ok nobody has a clue... The update is done by the F4311OrderIntegrity bsfn.
An old issue but worth revisiting?

We had similar occurence at a clients site today and found out the reason
When ST is entered between branches in different companies/currenc ies, the exchange rate is calculated on the ST order using the Sold-to address as criteria and, if no match is found, using 0-address number. The resulting exchange rate is used to populate the unit price on the OT purchase order.

When the ST was ship confirmed, the Transfer order integrity Bsfn recalculated the exchange rate for the OT and updated the purchase order with new unit price. The problem was that in this case the supplier number (F4301.PHAN8) was used to look up the exchange rate so it did not use the same logic as when the ST order was created. (where Sold-to exchange rate record was looked up)

In our case, there was an exchange rate set up for the ST sold-to address but no setup for the OT "supplier" address. Therefore different records in F0015 were looked up and one of the exchange rates had not been maintained correctly causing a discrepancy between the ST foreign unit price and the OT unit price

Hope this helps retro-actively :)
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