Sales Lead / Opportunity Mgmt Redo - Please read


Reputable Poster

Surprised that there were no replies to my initial post, I read it again. I suspect it may have been poorly written. I apologize.

What I am looking for are ideas on other packages that we might use that handle sales lead/crm related functions.

We are on 8.0 and plan to move to 9.x in the next couple years. Our Sales team is enamored with Salesforce and we would like to look at other options for comparison.

I would like your opinion on the following:

1. Short term solution: JDE 9.0 CRM module is good enough that we will want to move to it when we upgrade. So, what packages do we look at and do we bother looking for integration to 8.0 to hold us over until the upgrade?

2. Long Term Solution: JDE 9.0 CRM is not up to speed and we will likely be happier staying on a third party application that does some integration to JDE Address Book and/or Sales Entry. What applications do you recommend?

3. Any other ideas you may have.

We are a small company and would probably have 40 to 50 people on this application.

Thanks again for your time,


no answers - just opinions.

You're not getting responses because there are very few customers using JDE CRM. We looked at JDE CRM prior to our 9.0 upgrade and was able to get Oracle to give us several demos. In my opinion the module looks (demos) very well and, important to us, is integrated with JDE. Now the bad. Messaging and customer communications capabilities are far below those of other CRM products - at least what we saw of it. Because of that alone our Sales group is balking at proceeding to implement/use JDE CRM. Thats a pity because the Sales Forecasting piece alone is worth it in my mind.

Hopefully someone else who actually uses it will join in with real facts.

Thanks Larry,

That is exactly the type of reply I am looking for. What CRM packages are you looking at?

Have a great weekend,

I implemented an open source CRM system called sugarCRM. I compared sugarCRM to vTiger and blogged about them here. In the end, sugarCRM won because it has built-in mass email campaign capabilities.

not looking at any new ones - was hoping to replace our E-Sales CRM.
Now we may be looking at upgrading it


Thanks for the post. I reviewed your blog and will add those packages to my list.


Are you referring to esalestrack? If not, what system are you using? Are there issues you have with it, or were you just looking to take advantage of seamless integration with JDE by switching?


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