S.O. Discounts at the line item level


We need to be able to have discounts/charges at the line item level. Example:

Line 1 is a sale of 10 widgets at 1.00 each. We want a 10% discount from line 1 to be written as line 2 in the sales order.
Line 3 is a sale of 10 widgets2 at 1.00 each. We want the same 10% discount to come from line 3 and be written to the 4211 as line 4.

Can World facilitate this? We know we can discount off the Invoice total, but that's not what we need.

You can do that by setting up a line level adjustment that creates a
separate F4211. I believe the line numbers come out as 1.01 and 3.01, and
not 2 and 4.

But, I have to ask why do you want separate lines in the F4211 for price
discounts? The problem is that if the item is backordered, the price
discount line does not go on backorder. Also, it is possible to ship
confirm the discount lines separately, and then you could get multiple
invoices for one order, which isn't what you want.

If at all possible, try to use an Adjustment Control Code of 2 which creates
a separate F4074, but not a separate F4211 for your adjustments. They will
print separately on the invoice and you won't have a mess on your hands.

In OneWorld, the separate lines in the F4211 can't be created except for
repricing at the order level and with free goods. There's a reason JDE took
away that functionality and replaced it with a hybrid, Adjustment Control
Code of 6.

Andy Klee

Andy Klee
Re: RE: S.O. Discounts at the line item level

Hi Andy, thanks for replying.

You said "You can do that by setting up a line level adjustment that creates a separate F4211. " How does one set up a line level adjustment.

You also said " If at all possible, try to use an Adjustment Control Code of 2 which creates a separate F4074, but not a separate F4211 for your adjustments. They will print separately on the invoice and you won't have a mess on your hands. " I don't know anything about that one either.

Thanks for your help.
RE: RE: S.O. Discounts at the line item level

No offense intended, but this is what you learn the first day if you attend
a class on Advanced Pricing. Unfortunately, this kind of forum is not the
right venue for basic training. To explain it from the beginning would be
too long, I'm sorry.

Do you have access to the JDE Advanced Pricing manual? You might be able to
figure it out.

Andy Klee

Andy Klee
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