Running Low On Virtual Memory


We are running XE SP 18 on about 90 Windows NT 4.0 fat clients. We are
seeing frequent messages about 'running low on virtual memory, please close
some applications.' This occurs whether or not we have any other
applications open. We are not running anti-virus software.

Has anyone seen this? Is it a symptom of the OS, or perhaps more of an
issue of not enough RAM? All of these machines have 128 MB of RAM.

Thanks for any advice.


John J. Chiodo
System Administrator/CNC
Xe SP18, CO on AS400 Enterprise Server
Lang Companies
Waukesha, WI USA
(262)646-2211 x351
They are all set to 139 MB min. and 189 MB max. Current page file size 139

John J. Chiodo
System Administrator/CNC
Xe SP18, CO on AS400 Enterprise Server
Lang Companies
(262)646-2211 x351
Regarding the page file.

For performance/fragmentations purposes, it is usally best to 'hard set' the page file to the largest recommend size. If the OS recommends between 139 and 189, set it to 189.

If you don't, fragmentation will/may occur each time the page file extends itself.

The days when disk space was pricy are 'mostly' gone... set it big and breath easier.

Re: RE: Running Low On Virtual Memory


that setting is very low - OneWorld or not. Virtual memory size should be a multiple of Physical memory (the multiplier depending on amount of RAM and applications in use). With as little RAM as you have in your boxes you should set the minimum VM to 384.
RE: RE: Running Low On Virtual Memory

Thanks. I set some machines to 384 MB and I'll see what happens.

John J. Chiodo
System Administrator/CNC
Xe SP18, CO on AS400 Enterprise Server
Lang Companies
(262)646-2211 x351
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