Row Security Issue



Have you the data dictionary to allow row security for the system?

---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Mueller/dhagroup/US on 04/13/2001
12:51 PM ---------------------------

ben klahm <[email protected]> on 04/13/2001 11:33:52 AM

Please respond to [email protected]

To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Chris Mueller/dhagroup/US)
Subject: Row Security Issue

Hello Ye Almighty JDEList!
I am coming across a strange one here and wondering if anyone out there has
seen this:

Issue: I have set up Row Security on a data item (PayDecuctBenAccType) for
*Public. I have had our HR Director test and is working great on her
machine (Fat Client). When I sign onto the terminal servers it does not
work....I went back to the fat client machine where I created the security
and it does not work....I go back to our HR Director's machine and it works
great...??? Why in the world is the security I set up only working on one
machine....a machine that I did not even create the security on.....???


Ben Klahm
JDEdwards CNC Specialist - Information Technology
Murphy-Hoffman Company
(816) 242-6288 Direct
(305) 946-8061 E-Fax

Data Items that have Row security on them is held in the global tables and
data dictionary specifications. On the machine that you created the row
security on you had already access that data item so it did not JITI down
again. Thus on this workstation row security is still not active on this
data item. To activate row security for this data item delete dddict*.*,
ddtext*.* and glbtbl*.* in the spec directory for each path code. On the
terminal servers you need to rebuild the global tables and data dictionary
specs. On all of the other FAT clients you can build a package that contains
only the dddict, ddtext and glbtbl's. Do not include any objects in this
package and deploy this package to the workstations for all path codes. You
can also write a login script batch file that deletes the spec files on each
clients computer.


Colin Dawes, MSc
City of Guelph
B7332 SP13.1, Oracle 8.1.6, NT 4.0, Fat & WTS
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