E9.2 Report to see which modules users use


Active Member
Is there any report (standard or custom) that would be able to tell you which modules users are using?
Not by module, but you can get this information by object. For UBE's, there is a Last Execution Date field on the batch version table.
For applications, you can turn on Object Tracking, and then look at the results in the object tracking tables and/or reports.
If I turn that on, it will only capture that information going forward? and not historically, right?
That is right. And be careful turning it on in PD. Sometimes it can get in the way of other processes/kernels (I know it used to cause issues with package deployments).
I think they fixed that post a tools upgrade where it would caused kernels to go nuts - but I do recommend excluding certain apps everyone runs (and like UDC search and select stuff.)
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