Report Interconnect



Hello List,

This one should be simple but I am getting bald here. Probably I am missing something basic here. I am doing a report interconnect say report R1 is calling report R2. In report R2 my data selection is based on the data received from R1 say field RIFLD.

When I submit the report R1 the called report R2 doesnot select only the value passed through RIFLD, instead it picks up all the records in the BSVW.

I can see the value in RIFLD is very much there for I can print it and If I do a bit of conditioning in Do Section of R2 based on RIFLD it works fine. But it gets obviously slow.

It appears as tough I can't use the fields in data structure for data selection!!!!!!!!! I can't be right.

What am I missing here? TIA

OW-B7332 SP-11.3 AS/400
Without going into RDA, not sure if the RI's are available to a section Data Selection, BUT, it can be done this way.

Create a Custo Group (conditional Section) for Global Variables.
Create your Data item in this section and make sure you declare it as a Global Variable (RV).
The RV vaiables are available for Data Selection.
You just need to load your RI value into the RV value.

Hope that helps,

Peter Hamilton
B7332 SP14, Windows NT, Unix
Hi Peter,

OK This is what I did :Go to RDA destroy all the sections and recreate them.
Added the data structure and setup the data selection using RI's.

Result: It works
Conclusion: RI's can be used in data selection.
Something went wrong previously don't know WHAT!

Thanks a lot for your help.

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