Reading a table within a read loop of the same table.


Reputable Poster
We are on E1 9.0. I need to perform some custom logic on voided records in the F0414. However, my logic currently will be reading the F0414 select only voided records (DCTM = 'PO'), then based on some conditions, I will need to read through the F0414 by voucher key (DOC, DCT, etc) to determine the total paid amount for a voucher line. Then I will be going back to the outer read loop on the F0414.

Now the first read loop is really just a UBE section with a business view defined, in this case V0414A. Then in the Do section, i will be looping through the F0414 again based on the voucher keys. Would anyone suspect there to be a problem with basically performing a read loop on the F0414 while processing the V0414A read through the UBE section.

I would be concerned that reading the F0414 on the inner loop would somehow corrupt pointers and give me unpredictable results.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Shouldn't be a problem the way you described it.

If you were doing this in ER code only (no ube section) you would have to use table handle variables.

If done in C code you would simply use multiple table handles.
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