Re: [Inclusive Row Security]


Well Known Member
Re: [Inclusive Row Security]

We made the change as we began to bring other manufacturing plant online.
This allowed us a much more simplified Business Unit security implementation.

For BU Sec setup however, you cannot simply apply the <OW GROUP>/*ALL/MCU row
security setup (meaning for all tables containing the MCU field apply
inclusive row security to a name group) described in some documentation I came
upon in the Knowledge Garden.
The reason being the MCU field in many tables contains values other than
strictly Branch Plants (e.g. Work Centers, Job Cost, Production Line).
It's a little more complex than that but we're off topic.

When you implement inclusive row security, the level of complexity to make the
switch will be determined by what row security you currently have setup. You
will have to re-think each set of row security to now include the ranges of
rows you want groups to View/A/C/D rather than excluding them. Simple but
time consuming.

One possible option to decrease the potential impact is to temporarily split
up the environments to use separate F00950 tables. For example, I have DV7333
and PY7333 OCMs pointing to JDE Server Map - B7333 and PD7333 and TR7333
(custom training environment) pointing to the original location of System -
B7333. This allows you to do your mock up and testing without impacting your
production process. Then when you have it right, you can use SQL to transfer
it into production.

CitrixDude <[email protected]> wrote:
already being "Live" in XE? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!Dave
Re: [Inclusive Row Security]


How did you approach implementing security on the Branch Plant, if you were not able to use *ALL/MCU Row Security?

We are looking to implement Row Security to restrict access to different Branch Plants...

We will be using Inclusive Row Security.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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