re: FASTR restoring? ??0:4818


re: FASTR restoring? ??0:4818

There may also be records in the other DreamWriter files as well -- never had
to recover a FASTR report before so I'm not sure how intertwined FASTR's are
with the DW records.

Mike Thompson: Leader Application Development
Actuator Sensor/Mirror Controls Division
Rochester Hills, Michigan

ADNET: 460-7497 Fax#: 248-968-1757
Phone#: 248-608-7497
E-Mail: [email protected]
---------- Original Text ----------

From: C=US/A=INTERNET/DDA=ID/jdeworld(a), on 1/31/01 5:01 AM:

Someone has managed to delete a FASTR and we do not have a copy in any
environment so I thought I could restore it from tape. I restored all the
F83* to a separate library then copied the relevant records to the live F8303
F8304 and F8305 - all the other F83 files were either empty or irrelevant to
this FASTR.

My problem is that the FASTR still does not appear in the FASTR lists. What
am I missing?

If I add the restored library to the top of my LL I still don't see it so
presumably there is some other File I need to look at.



V7.3 CUM10 / E9
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