RE: adding fully depreciated assets


Reputable Poster
RE: adding fully depreciated assets

There is a depreciation start date. You have to do an F4 to open the
fold and see the extra data on the depreciation screen for an asset, to see
that field. That field should be in the F1202 file, so in theory you could
mass populate the field (though often assets have a great variety of start
dates, so that may not be feasible). Hope this helps some.

John Dickey
(314) 577-1466
RE: adding fully depreciated assets

Hi David,
I've had limited experience with this, but wouldn't using the Setup
Operations Menu (G1241) under Fixed Assets, selecting Beginning Balance
Setup (16) do the trick for you? You can set the A/D equal to the asset
cost. I think the major issue would be selecting the proper fiscal year
which the asset should have been added. Not sure if this would work for you
or not.

Jarrod Klunk
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