RDA response time when opening object


To begin I'm a newbie to JDE! Have a very week CNC person in house, they just finished the class. Have no in house system admin. I do have 20 years of system/development/program experience. Here's the ?
Is it normal for it to take 10 minutes to open a template or version for modification? What tools are aval to research what is causing the poor response time. I'm running as a fat client. I'm thinking I'm timing out, for some reason.


No, that's not normal unless you are doing development across a WAN (hope not).

If you are on Windows XP, make sure System Restore is turned off. Also, you need to have the IT dept add some exclusions to your anti-virus software for large JDE files that get JITI'd or checked-out such as *.ddb, *.xdb. I can post a recommended list if needed. For a quick test, disable "auto protect" in your virus scanner, but don't forget to turn it back on. I'd start there, there could also be other network issues causing this (i.e., duplex, line speed settings on network card).

Blake McDonald
Blake thanks for the reply Yes it would be very helpful if you could post the hit list!


Actually instead of excluding by file extension, I'd recommend excluding by directory. For example, if you are on XE, then setup your anti-virus software to exclude the \B7 directory. This is safer (IMHO) because if want to instead exclude by all file types used by JDE, then you'll be excluding very common file types possibly used by other software on your system (such as .c, .h, .dll) and your system will be much more vulnerable to viruses by excluding such files. Tell your CNC guy that he should do the same on the Deployment server to ensure optimal package build times (except the directory name will be different based on your release). If you must exclude by file type, excluding .ddb, .xdb, and .cab should be good enough for the clients.

I'm thinking in this case though, the anti-virus software is less of an issue than either System Restore or other network issues. Is your JDE client in the same building where your JDE servers are (on the same LAN)?
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