R42950 Exchange rate



Well Known Member
Hello all,

We are deploying invoices for Poland and customer tell us to get the exchange rate from invoice date less some days indicated in PO. Anyone knows if is there any way to run R42950 to update the exchange rate based on a user input date (rather than system date)?
There is Hogart company in Poland from you can buy the modified R42950. Go to them web page to contact them.
They added new tab in processing options where you can specify date type (invoice, ship date or transaction date) or give specific date. And currences can be get by address number.
Hi Arturo, Janusz,

I had done exactly the same 7 years ago, and maybe earlier too on previous release(s).

It wasn't big challenge, it was about a dozen ER line, simple IF branches, assignments, two simple BSFN call and required 2 ER variable.


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