R42500 / R47500 / Sales Transfert


Is there a way to avoid having R42500 receiving automatically the OT ?
Our process:
- Enter ST/OT
- send ST to 3rd Party
- Receive ST Change in F47131/132 to apply any change like split the lot depending on the lot/batch number assigned to the line shipped; this alos update the F4311 with the additionnal line (great by the way)
- send the OT to another 3rd Party and let him know the PO to receive (this PO is adjusted with the correct and relevant line of the ST)
- Ship Confirm via R42500 the ST
- Receive OT Receipt Information..It may be we do have some discrapencies dues to damages for example... but this cannot be done because the OT has been already received via the R42500

Thanks for your help and support

Warm Regards
An option is to remove the In Transit Account..and it seems it works ..not sure it's the right option but it works
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