R03B5001 statement print - RDA changing report fields


I changed the default A/R Statement Print R03B5001 to use different fields in the A/R Statement Detail section than are currently defined to it. The report "R03B5001"is based on BSVW --V03B21G - A/R Statement Join Detail (Table names -F03B21 and F03B20).

For example the report uses DOC (alias) for invoice number from the A/R Notification History Detail table but I need the RPVINV field instead which is our internal invoice number which is on the F03B11 table. Also, the report uses DL01 for Document Type (alias DCT) but I need the RPURRF field instead which is also on the F03B11 table.

So, as there is no relationship between table F03B11 & F03B21 and F03B20 I changed the Event Rules in the DO SECTION and did a table I/O fetch-single on F03B11 as the primary key of F03B11 can be pulled from F03B21.

I've been testing the changes and they don't quite work as expected.

I need to run R03B500X with CONSOLIDATION on a specific company.

We have multiple companies KCO(values 1 thru 6) and I'm finding that I only get the new fields populated (VINV and URRF) from F03B11 when the F03B11 and F03B21 keys are matched exactly including company (RPKCO on F03B11). The CO and KCO on F03B11 are the same value so that doesn't help me. The CO on F03B21 would help me however.

I'm using the Customer Ledger Index of 'Doc Number, Doc Type, +A'.

I'm not sure how to go about getting the result that I require where F03B11 keys of DOC, DCT and SFX are exactly matched to F03B21 but the F03B11 key of KCO could be anything (1 thru 6).

Is there a way to change the FetchSingle to allow this or is there another approach I can take?

Any thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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