problem in search and select form


Active Member
I am prearing a new report for sales order qutation.
In which my client wants to mention in the top

Kind Attn: (some name)
this name should be from who's who in address book
against each address number we can have n number of names of that company chair persons.

my clinet wants me to provide faclity to select from list one person.
I try to include that field in PO to that field i included search and select form
this form is created by me
where i have address number and the mailing name(this field
they want to get in PO)
In that form if i search for particluar address no it displays all the contacts.If i select a row in displays in PO only the address number but i want mailing name in that field.
Is there any way to change so that i can get the value of mailing name.
my PO field is also mailing name but i don't how it fetching only
address number and showing.

plz reply.
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