Previous planner datasource during an upgrade


VIP Member
Hello all,

I am currently planning an upgrade from 8.9 to 8.12. I will be using 2 deployment servers, the existing server will remain on 8.9, the new server will be used for 8.12. While looking through the upgrade guide, I see that I need to configure the Planner - B9 datasource to point to the Planner database on the 8.9 server. My question is, what actually gets pulled from the old planner DB to the new planner DB. From the upgrade guide, there is a screen shere you specify where the relaease master, locations, OCM, environments, etc. are pulled from, and these should all point to the previous SYSTEM datasource. So, if all the relevant info is being pulled from the system tables, why do I need to connect to the previous planner?

ok - I'll take a stab

The planner database is a bit of a bear - it was originally used when you installed OneWorld - and therefore has all the system configuration back when you first installed.

Not only that, but each ESU also got installed into the planner - so JDE NATURALLY (ha) thinks that the planner is kept up-to-date and is obviously the "master" pristine configuration of your enterprise.

Of course, thats a load of baloney - since all CNC people sit there and add datasources, servers and all sorts of junk directly using the SYSTEM and Servermap versions of the same information - and we never think about logging into the deployment server and re-adding the information back into the planner.

But the planner is a microsoft access database. As such, its easy for JDE to read from since its a common file structure across all platforms - no need to have to work out how to connect to UDB or Oracle if everyone has their config in their planner database !

Now - I may be wrong, but I thought there was a "compare" tool between the planner and your actual system configuration. I remember that waaaay back in the day, JDE did actually realize that their customers were NOT actually updating the planner database - and hence they wrote a little UBE that would reach into System and your servermaps (provided they were set up correctly in the planner) and grab the info. I remember talking to the director in charge of Install Development back in 2002 or so about this - but I haven't a clue if it was ever implemented.

Since later versions now allow you to actually define WHERE each of these system datasources are configured - its actually no longer really necessary to have the upgrade process go through and read the planner. But, JDE doesn't like to drop application code - so guess what...!

None of this really matters. At the end of the day, you should be upgrading a single set of data and a single pathcode. Usually customers upgrade PD pathcode and PRODDTA/PRODCTL and the system datasources (system, OL, DD etc). As such, you just need to make sure that your planner is "aware" of these pathcodes/datasources - if you have multiple application servers or JAS servers for example - you can add them back in later on from scratch - which doesn't take too long. If the process really needs the planner (which I think it does) - then just copy the access database across and point to it just to make it happy !
Thanks for your reply. This is what I suspected, it's not really necessary, but I just wanted to make sure for my own knowledge.
Jon, I believe the UBE you're talking about is R9840C. I've ran it at a few customers and it has worked really well. Let's say you created a custom path code and environment, and not by creating a plan on the deployment server. This UBE will update the planner data source with all the required data.

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