Posting from F0911 to F0902


I am researching an issue where random accounts will not post from the 911 to the 902. I can find a bunch of detail on each individual record, but nothing stands out about the data to why it would not post. I am looking for someone else who has had this problem and was able to fix it. Just as a footnote. I do not know much about JDE so please keep responses at a high level.

Thank you.
The first thing to do is look at the work center messages for the posting job under the user id that ran the job. It will usually have the why in the message and you can go from there.


Something to get you started.....

It may be that:

* The GL account (as per the F0901 file) is marked as non posting,
inactive, requiring a subledger value etc. Check the posting edit value
against the account and see if it contains a non blank value
* Check the business unit settings. The business unit associated
with the GL Account may have been flagged as Non Posting. This would
prevent all entries against the business unit.
* Check security. Does the user have access to the business unit
being posted to?
* When posting, the system should generate an edit report with
error messages for most of the above. Check your R09801 output from the
submitted jobs to see if any errors are listed on the edit report.


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