Periodic Maintenance - Clear Submitted Jobs

  • Thread starter brother_of_karamazov
  • Start date


Legendary Poster
Maintenance Item - Clear Submitted Jobs

Description - UBE's submitted leave a record in Work With Submitted jobs and a PDF (and UBE logs) in the PrintQueue directory on the enterprise server. One can manually clear the WSJ list (which *should* delete the PDF's/Logs from PrintQueue or you can run the R9861101 .

Denver will tell you that this job needs to be run locally but I have made it work in the past from scheduler submitted to an enterprise server. On other systems, no such luck. This was in my notes and I may get it to be dependable some day:

"You must have the target server in Logical Datasources in the Server Map for the environment (server?) in (on?) which the job (scheduler server?) is running"

Regardless, the R9861101 is a useful method to clear WSJ and PrintQueue. Keep in mind that some versions of E1 (8.11) have a bug and PrintQueue does not get cleared on R9861101 run.

Method - R9861101

Frequency - Weekly

Notes- Set to remove jobs older than x number of days, where x is a number negotiated between the business and the IT department. The IT department wants to minimize disk space usage and the business wants to maximize the amount of time a report can be retrieved. As the CNC person, this is kinda like throwing a steak into a group of dogs then stepping back and watching the fun- let them fight it out.

Run Method - Scheduler if possible, otherwise locally on a fat client.

Disclaimer - As with all postings please ask questions on the forum and do not contact me personally unless:

1) you are my buddy and want to buy me a beer, 2) you wish to tell me "Happy Birthday" or 3) you wish to engage my services during December and your company is in Miami.
Just a note

Due to SOX, Regulatory and Company Imposed policies - many organizations
Tweak the R9861101 (or the entire process to run the ube) in such a way that
lists of reports are always omitted.

Before starting too far down the process - you may want to work with your
SOX and Financial folks - to validate that proper document control is well
within the works of design.


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 7:56 AM, brother_of_karamazov <[email protected]>

I've been running this manually every Monday from my fat client. Could you elaborate just a tad more on how one should be able to get this to work from the Scheduler? Would I need to create a custom version of this UBE so that it doesn't prompt for Mode, Server and Days?

(from memory - please forgive me)....
* Duplicate the called UBE - and make it do whatever you desire (add
processing options, data selection and 'whatever' else you want to
* The Calling UBE redirects the the Called UBE to a specified DataSource -
you would copy this one, and change it to call your 'duplicated' UBE.

Vahalla - you are done (after much testing and sacrifice).


On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Confounded <[email protected]>

I've been running this manually every Monday from my fat client. Could you elaborate just a tad more on how one should be able to get this to work from the Scheduler? Would I need to create a custom version of this UBE so that it doesn't prompt for Mode, Server and Days?

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what I had in my notes:

"You must have the target server in Logical Datasources in the Server Map for the environment (server?) in (on?) which the job (scheduler server?) is running"

That used to read:

"You must have the target server in Logical Datasources in the Server Map for the environment in which the job is running"

I had ensured that the target server (the ES that was having its jobs cleared) had an entry in the Logical Datasources in the Server Map of the scheduler server (the ES on which the scheduled job ran).

Take a look at any existing scheduled batch version, and try to emulate it.

Or maybe you do not use the Scheduler at all ...?

Warm regards,
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