Peoplesoft Web Site - where IS anything ?

Re: RE: Peoplesoft Web Site - where IS anything ?

When I do a SAR search on P4205 (ship confirm), the last SARs are from 1997. Can that be true?

Look at the Knowledge Browser & Breaking News Removed From Website!!!!!!! posting for the latest news.
Re: RE: Peoplesoft Web Site - where IS anything ?

Hi Maggie,

It is up-to date, isn't?

P4205 is one of the most sophisticated way developed objects and there was no error to touch it with SAR since B7.2.1 :)

An other massive object is the well known R42565, last SAR is from 2000-01-19.

Forgive me, just kidding.

Have you read my post in this thread?
You can see only SARs, which has been Completed (Status = Completed), even so I can not imagine, that the latest completed SARs are so "ancient"


Re: RE: Peoplesoft Web Site - where IS anything ?

Zoltán (and others),

this is an example where Peoplesoft is saying one thing (at recent user conference stated Customer Satisfactiorn with support has improved) but reality is another.

Strongly suggest to everyone that you keep pushing this issue by complaining to your support reps, downgrading the surveys they send out, even periodically send a complaint to Peoplesoft upper management (email Craig Conway). If we complain loud enough and long enough they will have to listen ... or perhaps we'll be complaining to Oracle in 12 months :)
There was at least one presentation about this by the Customer Care divisio n, who asked that we
contact them with any issues about the web site itself... they seemed very interested in fixing
the things that are broken. I didn't see the ComputerWorld journalist, but then there were about
15000 people there.
Almost every support call where I need to find information is now followed up by the response line associate requesting that I tell Peoplesoft about how bad the website is.

Evidently employees are even more restricted than customers - believe it or not !

What is it that Peoplesoft are trying to achieve with their website ?
Sounds like they are trying to increase reliance on for everything...
I believe they are trying to reduce their market share and avoid the
Oracle take-over. If nuthin can be found on their site, then none of
us are gonna visit, then none of us are gonna fix, then none of us are
gonna be employed (unless we learn Oracle)... then none of our
employers will need PPS... and Oracle will not want to purchase PPS...

either way - it seems Mr. Ellison could win.

How can it be cost savings when you can't find anything on the website and you end up calling response line?
This morning, following Peoplesofts example of denying a fact, followed by willingness of discussion concerning that fact, I decided to replicate this by releasing a press release to try and extort some useful information from the Knowledge Garden.

This is that press release :

EnterpriseOne User Denies Peoplesoft Website is "useful"

A spokesman denied Tuesday that his company's new management team were able to locate any useful information from the Peoplesoft website.

"There's been no way to find anything" said EnterpriseOne spokesman Jon Steel.

He responded to questions following a report from the Peoplesoft Response Line that stated such information did indeed exist on the website.

The Response Line cited "sources" that informed him PeopleSoft's new website did indeed contain useful information, at least up until last week.

In a follow-up research note issued Tuesday afternoon, the Response Line said a PeopleSoft senior executive confirmed that no senior management members could confirm any existance of breaking news on the website.

"However, the executive could not comment on the independent directors," according to the Response Lines' most recent note. "We would note that Peoplesoft's five independent directors comprise the transaction committee and vote on whether data can be placed onto the website" Response Line wrote.

"We would caution that we have no confirmation that information is appearing on the website, but in our opinion, PeopleSoft is more willingly to provide information regarding its products" said the Response Line.

Larry Ellison declined to comment on whether or not information had indeed been released.
I subscribe to an investment letter called "The Daily Reckoning". In it the American editor who lives in Paris said that the Brits are ironic and sarcastic. Jon, you have proven his point.

an American in Paris eh....

I'd be interested to understand how he won his deep insights into the British.

Another famous American who lived for a time in Paris once said "I fancy it must be the quantity of animal food eaten by the English which renders their character insusceptible to civilization."

There is both irony and sarcasm in this quote. If you know where to look.

Another quote that really sums up my feelings on the Knowledge Garden -

"sarcasm, satire, contempt and cynism are the *rational* response of an intelligent mind confronted by the "meanness, density, selfishness, and mercenary qualities which rule ... " and which "are central to human nature...," a black view, indeed, of humanity? Laughter is the only reasonable response to absurdity, and what's more absurd than the mean, the dense, the selfish, the mercenary ruling all..."
I have to side with Jon on this. Sarcasm and humoUr (there's that pesky extra U the Brits are so fond of using) are the only rational way of dealing with the riduculous and absurd.
Hi Jon,

I was searching half a day the Customer Connection site, to find, what kind of ESUs/ASUs, BaseLine ESUs or update are scheduled for E1 8.9 in the future. I have not found anything.

This information is important for us to decide, retrofit our custom mods on original E1 objects now (from XE) or wait for the next BaseLine ESUs, UPDATEs, if these will be available soon - to prevent duplicate efforts of retrofitting.

As I wrote: I have not found anything.

What does it mean?

A.) I am blind and untalented.
B.) PSFT E1 is bug free enough, that there is no need further BaseLine ESUs and/or UPDATEs.
C.) Something else.

Please, vote!

The first quote, of course, was Thomas Jefferson - while living with his slaves in Paris (hence the irony) in a letter to Abigail Adams in 1785.

As for the latter quote - that was just something I found by chance on the Internet - it was written by an English Literature student and was written about Jane Austen's sarcasm in Pride and Predudice. If you have ever read Jane Austen and P&P you'd understand that her "sarcasm" is hardly detectable (being, in my opinion, one of the dullest books written of all time). That comment wasn't sarcasm.....
Why not ask your CE, that's his/her job. Anyway, I'll supply the answer...the first E1 8.9 "update" is planned for release in December of this year.

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