Pathcodes disappear in B7 Directory after Full Package install



I have an odd problem occurring on some of my Fat clients. When I install a Full Package for a pathcode (DV7333 in this case) the other Pathcodes in the B7 directory on that client seem to disappear.

Recently there was a jde consultant on site that told me to rename the package.inf file in the b7 directory to speed up the install program process. Could this be the reason the other pathcodes are disappearing? I have not yet renamed the old package.inf to its original name because there seems to have been a new one created with the install of the full package in question.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you,
You're on the right track. Although it slows down the install, renaming the package.inf is the reason your other pathcodes are getting deleted. No short cuts here without a price...
What are you running (need to put in your signature)...We were experiencing this a while back and it was a bug.

4922475 Reinstall Pkg Deletes other PC SystemH96

This was on SP15. It's fixed in later SPs unless the consultants strategy is causing the problem.
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