Package Build Issue

  • Thread starter Richard_Wheeler
  • Start date


We are having an issue with Package Builds in our PY7333 Environment. We haven't made any recent Updates to our system so I'm thinking something must be corrupt. When Submitting the Package to Build, it seems to just be spinning it's wheels when it reaches a certain point in the BuildError log. Seems to stop at 'Updating parent package TAM file gbrspec.' and does not continue on. Nothing shows up in the JDE.log too. Anybody encounter this issue before?
How long are you letting it run for, and how many objects are included in your update package? Sometimes they will run for a while....
This happens when the parent package´s spec files are corrupted. Build a new full package or restore the spec files from tape or from the file.

we let a little update package with 1 report and 2 versions run all night. Something is definitely wrong. PS is having us first try building a full package with just gbrspec to make sure that that is the issue.
Just heard back from GSS and they suggested the same thing. Thanks for your help!!

Dude in OR
EnterpriseOne Developer
Xe SP22 UPD 7 AS400 Coexistent
Gerd is correct, this happens when the parent specs become corrupt. The best thing to do is restore from backup, but you can cheat (this is potentially dangerous, but it'll work) by copying the specs from a known good location. Exactly what causes the parent specs to become corrupt is open to speculation -- I like to attribute it to cosmic radiation.
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