Package build discussion



I'm working as an Application Specialist for a city in The Netherlands and
started a few months ago with the migration from World to PeopleSoft
Enterprise One (OneWorld XE).

We have a discussion here and I hope that somebody can tell me if my
thinking is correctly.

It's about the deployment of objects, versions etc.

The CNC-administrator builds a package on his Fat-client and the Developer
Creates/ Changes an Object or a version on his (another) Fat-client.

I'm thinking that the CNC-administrator has to Get or Check In /Check Out
the project (and so all objects and versions) before putting them in a
package, because local he does not have the latest specs. But according to
the CNC-administrator, this is not true.

Please can you give me answer to this a.s.a.p. ?

Kind Regards,

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GFS OneWorld
migration from GFS-World - GFS-OneWorld XE

It does not matter. When building a package, the spec it uses is from
central objects, not from local fat clients. So if the developer already
checked in the objects, the package build will take the latest version.

Jennifer Qiu

<j.kappert@zwolle To: [email protected]
.nl> cc:
Sent by: Subject: Package build discussion

06/10/2004 10:13
Please respond to

I'm working as an Application Specialist for a city in The Netherlands and
started a few months ago with the migration from World to PeopleSoft
Enterprise One (OneWorld XE).
We have a discussion here and I hope that somebody can tell me if my
thinking is correctly.
It's about the deployment of objects, versions etc.
The CNC-administrator builds a package on his Fat-client and the Developer
Creates/ Changes an Object or a version on his (another) Fat-client.
I'm thinking that the CNC-administrator has to Get or Check In /Check Out
the project (and so all objects and versions) before putting them in a
package, because local he does not have the latest specs. But according to
the CNC-administrator, this is not true.
Please can you give me answer to this a.s.a.p. ?
Kind Regards,
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berichtenverkeer. Aan de inhoud van deze e-mail kunnen daarom geen rechten
of plichten worden ontleend. Elektronische post kunt u richten aan
[email protected].
GFS OneWorld
migration from GFS-World - GFS-OneWorld XE
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For Translation:

Your CNC-Administrator is correct. The package build process reads from Central Objects, not local specs. As long as the developer has checked the object in it can be built in a package. There is no reason for the object to be checked out to the package build machine.
Is this the same for objects that need to be compiled? such as business functions?

Ben again,
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