


I tried several thing but nothing......

The message is : jdecgrt: unable to retrieve Business View information - application P03B212

Please give me help....................
Whenever I get this error I delete dddict*, ddtext* and glbltbl* on the pc getting the error. These tables will re-generate when you sign on. If that doesn't work check out or do a get on the business view

Hope this helps

I think that u should first try to check out the Business View, Processing Option if any on the Machine where you are having this problem, otherwise do the folowing......
Log off OW. Delete the following from B7\PathCode\Spec. --- “glbltbl.xdb” and “glbltbl.ddb”. Data dictionary items ---“dddict.xdb”, “dddict.ddb”, ddtext.xdb” and “ddtext.ddb”.
Log back on to OW. This will allow the information to JITI back on the Machine.
I think the first option should be tried first, at least thats what I do whenever I experience this problem.
I just tried what you wrote but nothing more.....

Does'nt work ........

The message appear always (menu P0011 with # batch)

Need Help .......................
The BSVW attached to the application is V03B14E,There is also a Processing Option atached with a ZJDE version. I am sure that you must have checked out these, also try to generate BSVW from the Design BSVW.
I have seen this error a couple of times but have always solved it by check out, not even generating.
Thanks you, very much,
Now it's ok with the check-out - and erase check-out the

Merci !!!!!!

Have a good day !!!
I have the same problem....

I have erased the specs and checked out (after, erase check out)... but the error continue.

The program is working. Add to business view two fields, ICU & ICUT, rebuild it and ready...

JD Leon
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