Out of Off Reply - 3's the magic number


VIP Member
Out of Off Reply - 3\'s the magic number

Whenever I post on this board I get 3 out of office reply's from 3 different people. It's always 3 messages and always from different people. Why is this?
Re: Out of Off Reply - 3\'s the magic number


That's because some JDEList users forgot to excluse jdelist.com in there "out of office" rule. Most user try to keep this in mind when creating there "out of office" rule but when they forget you receive message because your are the originator of the message.

What I sugest is you eMail them with a "nice" message to tell them about the fact that you receive there "out of office". I do that often and people that receive my mail are carefull next time they create there rule.

Try it, it's working and I normaly don't see the same name twice. Don't forget when you do this to be "nice" in your message, all user that I have inform told me that they did'nt know that they were sending that much 'out of office' automatic reply and they've changed there rule.

Christian Audet
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