OneWorld Technology Certification


Well Known Member
Hi List,

How many of the CNC consultants in the UK have taken the certification
exams ?

Does anyone have any contact details for the examining body (I believe
they are separate from JDE).

What are the exams like - do they cover platforms or is it strictly
OneWorld CNC /Sys Adm etc ?


Andy Smith
Technical Consultant

Office: 01564-711-1037
Direct: 01564-711-1539
Mobile: 07949 603770

Andy Smith
Whitehouse Consultants
Win2K SQLServer7 Xe
There were a thread about a couple of months ago about certification process. Apparently, the quality of the exams and marking is not that great. I'm not certified. I'm going by what was mentioned in the thread.

C Ho
Intermediate Programmer/Analyst
Xe SP 15.1, update1
AS/400 V4R5 coexistant
CO on SQL 7.0 SP2 + hotfix
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