Next Numbers - reaching the limit


Active Member
Our EDI process is using next numbers to assign document numbers to EDOC. It uses the first next number within system 47. We're currently at 82,000,000+ in the sequence. Since the number allows only 8 digits, we're projecting that we'll hit the limit in April '04.

I would appreciate any input from people who have encountered similar situations with NN. If you expanded the number, please tell me the process that you used. We have a number of interactive modules and reports that reference EDOC and are concerned about the impact of changing the field to point to another NN.

Thank you.
Once you reach 99,999,999 next numbers will reset to 1. This should not be an issue as part of the document/record key is the date. Therefore, you should not encounter any duplicate records. This is similar to NN by company where the record numbers can reset each year (with the first two digits being the fiscal year).

kread <[email protected]> wrote:
List,Our EDI process is using next numbers to assign document numbers to EDOC. It uses the first next number within system 47. We're currently at 82,000,000+ in the sequence. Since the number allows only 8 digits, we're projecting that we'll hit the limit in April '04. I would appreciate any input from people who have encountered similar situations with NN. If you expanded the number, please tell me the process that you used. We have a number of interactive modules and reports that reference EDOC and are concerned about the impact of changing the field to point to another NN.Thank you.
Kelly Read
Sara Lee Foods
AS/400 - XE, Update 3, SP 20_J1
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World, OW B733X and Xe
Unless things have changed - Next Numbers have to be reset 'manually' back
to one (please, someone tell me that things have changed)...

FYI to you Simplot guys - you may want to check where you are with the NN on
the Scales Process.... It's because of the scales process that I know that
the NN's didn't use to reset...

Daniel Bohner
ExistingLight, LLC.
[email protected]

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Daniel Bohner | JDE P/A III | Freelance-JDE/Web/Photo
www.ExistingLight.Net | | [email protected]
JDE XE | SP20 | AS/400 | V5R1
Re: RE: Next Numbers - reaching the limit

I wrote a routine where when it hits the limit it starts counting backwards.... Just kidding...
Thanks Dan!!!

BTW - I'm not a consultant, but I play one on TV.

Mike Kissel
XE SP20 AS400
you should take a look at NN by fiscal year. This may help resolve your issue.

Warm regards

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