Multi-foundation installation


I am planning a multi-foundation install on a B7333 install with current SP20. I am installing SP22. I have reviewed the documentation provided by Peoplesoft and I have a couple questions of those of you who have succeeded in installing multi-foundation on an AS/400.

When should (or must) I create a full client package? I am testing the service pack on a new environment separate from my exising PD, PY, DV environments. Can I create a full package (PD7333FA) prior to promoting the service pack provided I select the SP22 foundation?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Cris Dunn
Sys Admin
B7333, Update 3, SP20, AS400 870, DB2/400[smile]
Hello, we are currently running on Sp15.1 and testing SP22_M1 using the
multiple foundation process. I am using the DV7333 environment for the test
of SP22. Currently, I am testing a fat client using snapshot. I saved my
production client with snapshot installed a DV7333 environment with the SP22
system folder and saved that to snapshot. I can restore either one with
snapshot. I have not created a new full package for the dv7333 environment
and there are, to this point in testing, no issues with any funtionality.
The only thing I cannot test at this point is the promotion of a project in
OMW from dv7333 to pd7333 for obvious reasons; port 6009 vs. 6109.

Our biggest issue is making sure that our interfaces and interoperability
work without issue and that is also going well in testing. We have very few
modifications to the OneWorld mainline programs. We also have TSE but our
farm is very small (two servers). If you have any questions please feel free
to call and I will do my best to assist you. Thanks

Senior Technical Consultant
17611 E. Tennessee Pl.
Aurora, CO 80017
Work 303-337-1906
Cell 303-885-1405
Fax 303-306-1800

I have used multiple-foundation on the AS/400 many times in the past, each time with success. The main idea is to not get mixed up. Treat you MF environment as if it was a completely seperate install. First, before any kind of testing, I always do full client AND server package builds for the MF environment. You want to test your code on the client AND the server. If you are using any language other than English, then you need to install the SPX one-off as well. This is a special PDF library for the 400 that ensures that foreign characters get displayed. I always make sure to test everything using a dedicated FAT client and a dedicated terminal server for thin-clients. When you are finished testing and everything is approved for production, you remove your MF install and simply put the new service pack in place like a regular install. Important: do not forget to re-link your business functions. You then do an update package for each environment to recompress the foundation and deploy to all fat clients.

Now to answer your question, yes it is possible to create a full package prior to promoting the new service pack by selecting the SP22 foundation, however, I would recommend against it for the simply fact that mistakes can happen and you don't want to end up with clients on one service pack and your servers on another. I would definitely build your full client AND server packages after the service pack has been put in place.
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