Moving Formscape Database to New SQL Server


Hi everyone,

I'm having problems moving my formscape database from one server to a new server. I don't have any documentation on the procedure so I'm winging it. I have tried updating the ODBC settings to point to the new server, but this doesn't seem to be sufficient.

Has anyone done this before? Any suggestions on some things that I am overlooking.

SQL 2005, FormScape 3.4.2

Thanks in Advance!
We did this very task as part of our 8.12 upgrade go-live(moved a Formscape 3.4.3 database). What I did, and it worked but wasn't in a step-by-step Formscape document. I didn't write down my steps so I am going from memory(but, as I state in step 1, create a database backup)-
1. Create a backup of the current database.
2. Detach the current database. I'm not sure if this was necessary, but I did so anyway so it would not leave any footprints on the old database when running step 3.
3. Run the Configuration Wizard on your Presenter Server(i.e, the server where you have the Presenter component installed) so that you are using the 'Replace or Upgrade Database' option. You will put in the new server name and path along with the sa password and webrepadmin password. Use the SAME database name as your current database. You will receive errors saying that your current database can't be accessed, but that's okay because you are going to create new database on the new server by clicking Next all the way through the Wizard.
4. Check that your new database exists on the new server.
5. Test it by logging into Presenter. This, of course, is not your real database.
6. Restore this new database from the backup you made of the previous one on the old server. You will need to fix any SQL login orphan SID's(assumming Windows/SQL) that will occur from restoring from a different server(for webrepadmin, or any other logins you use to access the Formscape database). I don't know what type of database you're using, so I will leave that up to you, but 'autofix' is used for SQL 2005.

Hope this helps some.

Cheers -
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