MICR Issue



Reputable Poster

One of my collegue is having the below issue. Any help/input will be highly appreciated.

We have removed old signature subform, and embed a new subform, Its
working with new signature in QA and Production but the MICR font is
not coming also MICR number and checknumbers are missing but the MICR
variable mentioned in the form as it is is coming in the form.
We haven't touched the MICR in the footer while embedding the new
signature subform.
I have the issue got resolved. I will mention the solution here and some additional info to close this thread.

Re-Installing Create!MICR resolved the issue. I am suspecting the clsmicr.fnt_ps font was corrupted.

Some additional info I received on this:

After transferring a new project or modifying an existing project, the output produced by Create!Form Server does not correctly display the MICR font text box

Applies to all Create!MICR releases

Steps to troubleshoot:
1. Confirm that the MICR font "clsmicr.fnt_ps" file is located on the design workstation at Program Files\Create!form\SystemResource\Font (or the "clsmicr_demo.fnt_ps" file if using the demo font). If not, reinstall Create!MICR.
2. Perform a Print Preview in Designer to confirm that the MICR font renders properly there.
3. Confirm that the MICR font "clsmicr.fnt_ps" file is located on the server at Program Files\Create!form\SystemResource\Font (or the "clsmicr_demo.fnt_ps" file if using the demo font). Transfer the project again and ensure that the transfer configuration is correct. You can also copy the MICR file manually to this folder if you cannot get the file to transfer correctly.
4. Confirm that you are using only valid MICR characters (0123456789ABCD). Invalid characters will not work.
5. Change the MICR text box to a different font (try Courier) to ensure that a standard font prints correctly.
6. If using the Full version, remove the demo font if it is present on either system ("clsmicr_demo.fnt_ps")
Create!Form Excercises

Hello Soumen,

My Name is Vijay. I just downloaded create form designer 6.3 guide and going through it. Can you let me know if there is demo software.. where can we get it..? and also few exercises.

Re: Create!Form Excercises

Hi Vijay,

There is no demo version of createfrom. (unlike JDE)
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