List of UBE's that update databases?



Well Known Member
List of UBE\'s that update databases?

Does anyone have a list of UBE's that perform updates to databases? For Sorbanes Oxlee, I have to secure all internal auditors from being able to run UBE's that update the database. Thanks in advance.
Re: List of UBE\'s that update databases?

I don't think such a list exist which is why the Read Only Reports feature was created.

Reports can be defined as read only or update reports and users can be restricted to one category of reports. This features is there in EnterpriseOne 8.9 and up and recent updates of ERP 8.0 and Xe.

Using this feature would restrict the auditors to read only reports and may satisfy your requirements without having to do a lot of investigation.

Down load the latest ESU for P00950. I think the security feature is under 'Misc Security' on P00950.

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